It is possible to enrich data to a particular session with additional parameters. Depending on the settings in your account, either the first or the last value of the parameter is taken into account for your analyses.


Session parameters must be specified when initializing the MISessionParameters() object

ParameterDescriptionWhere to configure (Mapp Q3 > Configuration > ...)Where to analyze
parametersUsed to enrich analyses of sessions with additional information.Custom Parameters > Session Parameter

Datatype Text: Visitors > Session Parameters

Datatype Figure: metric

Methods for Sessions

Session parameters can be tracked in both page and event requests.

Example iOS

let sessionParameters = MISessionParameters(parameters: [10: "sessionParam1"])
let event = MIActionEvent(name: "TestAction")
event.sessionParameters = sessionParameters
MISessionParameters* sessionParameters = [[MISessionParameters alloc] initWithParameters:[@{@10: @"sessionParam10"} copy]];
MIActionEvent* event = [[MIActionEvent alloc] initWithName:@"TestAction"];
[event setSessionParameters:sessionParameters];
[[MappIntelligence shared] trackAction:event];

Pre-Defined Session Parameter

The prerequisite for tracking the default values (App version, App update, and App first open) is that you first create the necessary session parameters in Mapp Q3. Using pre-defined parameters, you do not need to create the parameters in your mobile application, but just need to activate them in Mapp Q3 instead. This section describes how to create the appropriate parameters.

The following parameters are pre-defined in the SDK:

ParameterParameter IDDescriptionData TypeAmount Parameter ValuesCalculation
App updated815When the end-user updates the app to a new version, it is tracked via this predefined session parameter.FigureSingle valueLast value wins. This means only the last value of the transmitted parameter is counted per session.
App version804This parameter analyzes whether users are utilizing the latest version of your app.TextSingle valueLast value wins. This means only the last value of the transmitted parameter is counted per session.
App first open821This parameter is tracked when the user opens the app for the first time after installing the mobile application from the Web or App Store.TextSingle valueFirst value wins. This means only the first value of the transmitted parameter is counted per session.

To configure the session parameter, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to your Mapp Q3 account.

  2. Go to Configuration > Custom Parameters > Session parameters

  3. Then click Create a new custom parameter. The specification dialog for the session parameter opens.

  4. Make the following configuration:

    TitleMandatory. Enter the name of the session parameter.
    DescriptionOptional. Enter a description for the session parameter.

    Select via the radio button whether the session parameter is active or inactive. When disabled, no data is collected.


    Under "Preconfigured," select one of the following parameters:

    • App updated
    • App version
    • App first open

    Preset settings apply automatically.

    Parameter IDThe ID is set automatically by the system.
  5. Click Save to save your settings.