iOS SDK v5 allows the user to add additional information and parameters to a request.

Please see the methods and description below.




- (NSError *_Nullable) trackPage:
(MIPageViewEvent *_Nonnull) event;
Used for page tracking when you want to specify the context to be tracked as well. You can define a page view event which contains name and page parameters, categories and search term. Page view event can contain optional parameters: e-commerce, user categories, session, campaign. 
- (NSError *_Nullable)trackPageWithViewController:
(UIViewController *_Nonnull)controller 
pageViewEvent:(MIPageViewEvent*_Nullable) event;

Used for page tracking with specifying the current UIViewController. You can add page view event which contains parameters, categories and search term. Page view event can contain optional parameters: e-commerce, user categories, session, campaign. 

- (NSError *_Nullable) trackAction:
(MIActionEvent *_Nonnull) event;

Used to track action events in Intelligence. For MIActionEvent name must always be given, tracking parameters are optional.