​Navigation Path​

Administration> Inbox Services


Use this window to manage the inbox rendering and monitoring setup.

What can I do in this window?

  • View basic information about Inbox Services for your Mapp Engage instance.

  • Deactivate or reactivate ​Inbox Services​.

  • Set limits to inbox rendering and monitoring tests.
  • Make adaptations to the seed list used to test your email messages.

  • View the use statistics for the number of ​Inbox Rendering​ and ​Inbox Monitoring​ tests you run.

Account Setup

This section provides general information about the available Inbox Services and allows you to enable or disable the features.



​Basic Information​

Shows information about the add-on. These fields cannot be edited.


  • Child Account Name:​ This is shown for information.
  • Regenerate child account API key: This​ button recreates the API key to connect your Mapp Engage system to the inbox services provider.

    This function is only available to the project manager. This key can be regenerated if there are errors in the inbox monitoring or if the account is inactive. These errors occur only if the key is expired, locked, or not generated upon system creation.


  • Inbox Rendering & Monitoring:​ This toggle switch turns the inbox rendering and monitoring feature off and on. The default setting is ​Yes​ (on).
  • Inbox Rendering test limit: Any limit to your system's number of inbox rendering tests appears here.
  • Inbox monitoring test limit: Any limit to your system's number of inbox monitoring tests appears here.
  • Expiration date: An expiration date of this feature on your system appears here.


Saves any changes that you make to the Inbox Services settings.

There is no prompt. If you make changes and exit the page, your changes are not saved automatically.

Inbox Monitoring Seed List

A seed list is a list of email addresses to which Mapp Engage sends an email before you send the final email to your group. Mapp Engage uses the seed list to test the email across different email clients and devices.

This tab provides options to adapt the email seed list that is used for inbox monitoring and deliverability testing.



Seed List StatusShows the date when the seed list was last updated.

​Seed List Refresh​

Determines if you refresh the seed list manually or automatically at periodical intervals.

You can select automatic refresh periods of monthly, weekly, daily, or yearly.

​Optimize Seed List​

  • Automatic Optimization: Based on a sample of the mailing list, Mapp analyzes where your messages are sent. This analysis provides total visibility into which regions make up your mailing list so you can prioritize resources accordingly.
  • Manual Optimization​: You can select regions manually. 

All existing ISPs are already included for each region.


Saves any changes that you make to the Inbox Monitoring seed list settings.

There is no prompt. If you make changes and exit the page, your changes are not saved automatically.

Usage Report



​Inbox Rendering​

  • Expiration Date:​ shows the date when the activation of the inbox rendering expires.
  • ​Annual Volume:​ shows the volume of rendering tests that are included in the year.
  • Usage: shows the number of tests that are used so far.

​Inbox Monitoring​

  • ​Expiration Date:​ shows the date when the activation of the inbox monitoring expires.
  • ​Annual Volume:​ shows the volume of rendering tests that are included in the year.
  • Usage:​ shows the number of tests that are used so far.

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