This chapter provides instructions on how to set up your development environment before you can integrate tracking functions into your app.

In the following, the integration of the tracking library is described using Android Studio and Gradle.

If you are still using Eclipse, it is possible to integrate your application with Mapp Intelligence tracking library. Please contact your consultant or Account Manager for details regarding this topic.

Adding a Dependency

In your Android Studio project, first, add a new dependency:


Dependencies {...
  implementation 'com.webtrekk.webtrekksdk:WebtrekkSDK:VERSION'

Our Android SDK library is hosted at the following distribution platform: Android Tracking Library. Here, you will always find the latest SDK version for Android. Please add the desired version by replacing "VERSION", for example, 4.7.3 in the dependency statement.

Adapting the "manifest.xml"

Now adapt the permissions in the Android "manifest.xml."


The following permissions are always needed, otherwise no requests can be transmitted.

< uses - permission android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" / >
< uses - permission android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" / >


If you want to track the user name or other profile information from the Play Store, such as the user’s email address, the following permissions also have to be added:

< uses - permission android: name = "android.permission.READ_PROFILE" / >
< uses - permission android: name = "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" / >
< uses - permission android: name = "android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" / >



READ_PROFILEIs required for: First name, last name.
READ_CONTACTSIs required for: email address.

Basic Configuration in Tag Integration

The implementation of the app tracking is realized through Mapp Tag Integration. Please refer to the chapter Basic Implementation for details.

In some cases you receive this configuration file initially from our support team; it is then preconfigured individually for you.

Example "webtrekk_config.xml"

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
< webtrekkConfiguration >
   < version >44</ version >
   < trackId >123451234512345</ trackId >
   < trackDomain ></ trackDomain >
   < sampling >0</ sampling >
   < sendDelay >3</ sendDelay >
   < maxRequests >4000</ maxRequests >
   < resendOnStartEventTime >30</ resendOnStartEventTime >
   < autoTracked >false</ autoTracked >
   < autoTrackAppUpdate >true</ autoTrackAppUpdate >
   < autoTrackAdvertiserId >true</ autoTrackAdvertiserId >
   < autoTrackAppVersionName >true</ autoTrackAppVersionName >
   < autoTrackAppVersionCode >true</ autoTrackAppVersionCode >
   < autoTrackRequestUrlStoreSize >true</ autoTrackRequestUrlStoreSize >
   < autoTrackAppPreInstalled >true</ autoTrackAppPreInstalled >
   < autoTrackApiLevel >true</ autoTrackApiLevel >
   < autoTrackScreenOrientation >true</ autoTrackScreenOrientation >
   < autoTrackConnectionType >true</ autoTrackConnectionType >
   < autoTrackAdvertisementOptOut >true</ autoTrackAdvertisementOptOut >
   < autoTrackPlaystoreUsername >false</ autoTrackPlaystoreUsername >
   < autoTrackPlaystoreMail >false</ autoTrackPlaystoreMail >
   < enableRemoteConfiguration >true</ enableRemoteConfiguration >
   < trackingConfigurationUrl ></ trackingConfigurationUrl >
   < globalTrackingParameter >
     < parameter id = "INTERN_SEARCH" key = "AT1" />
     < pageParameter >
       < parameter id = "1" key = "TP1" />
       < parameter id = "2" >ConstParam1</ parameter >
     </ pageParameter >
     < pageCategories >
       < parameter id = "1" key = "PageCatKey" />
       < parameter id = "2" key = "TrainingNewParameterKey" />
     </ pageCategories >
   </ globalTrackingParameter >
   < screen >
     < classname type = "text" ></ classname >
     < mappingname type = "text" >MainName</ mappingname >
     < autoTracked >false</ autoTracked >
   </ screen >
   < screen >
     < classname type = "text" ></ classname >
     < mappingname type = "text" >CustomPage1</ mappingname >
     < autoTracked >false</ autoTracked >
   </ screen >
   < screen >
     < classname type = "text" ></ classname >
     < mappingname type = "text" >SimpleName</ mappingname >
     < autoTracked >true</ autoTracked >
     < screenTrackingParameter >
       < pageParameter >
         < parameter id = "5" key = "TP1" />
         < parameter id = "1" key = "TP2" />
         < parameter id = "1" key = "AT2" />
       </ pageParameter >
       < ecomParameter >
         < parameter id = "1" key = "TP1" />
       </ ecomParameter >
     </ screenTrackingParameter >
   </ screen >
   < errorLogEnable >true</ errorLogEnable >
   < errorLogLevel >3</ errorLogLevel >
   < autoTrackAdClearId >true</ autoTrackAdClearId >
   < recommendations >
     < recommendation name = "complexReco" ></ recommendation >
   </ recommendations >
</ webtrekkConfiguration >

Please make sure that the parameter "enableRemoteConfiguration" in the XML file is set to TRUE. This is the only way for all other settings and changes made in Tag Integration to take effect.

With these basic settings, the functionality of the SDK is now available to you. By enabling autotracking you have already implemented full activity tracking and are now sending initial requests to your Mapp Intelligence account.