With Custom Parameters you can enrich the video analysis data with your web page-specific information or metrics.

You must set up your custom parameters in Mapp Q3 under Configuration > Custom Parameters before you can track them.

The following parameters can be set:

  • E-Commerce Parameters
  • Event Parameters (formerly known as "Action Parameter")
  • Session Parameters

Find more information here.


<amp-analytics type="mapp_intelligence">
    <script type="application/json">
		"vars": {
			"trackDomain": "analytics.mapp.com",
			"trackId": "111111111111111" 
		"triggers": { 
			"trackMediaEnded": {
				"on": "video-ended", 
				"request": "mediaEnded", 
				"selector": "#video", 
				"extraUrlParams": {
					"ecommerceParameter": "1",
					"actionParameter1": "${autoplay}",
					"actionParameter2": "${muted}",
					"actionParameter3":  "${sourceUrl}",
					"sessionParameter1": "male",
					"sessionParameter2": "logged_in"

E-commerce parameters are used to track following information in Mapp Intelligence:


allow you to measure additional information about the current media or other action-related information, e.g. Event Tracking.


Session parameters always refer to a session or visit. If the value for the parameter is transferred more than once during a visit, only the first or last value transferred is evaluated, depending on the corresponding setting in your account.