First, you need to install the Mapp Engage SDK and then update your app manifest.

Step 1: Add the following data to the Android Configuration File

  • CEP_URL : This is the Jamie URL for caching and delivering In-App Messages.

  • SDK Key: This is the SDK Key generated from the Mapp Engage Channel Management. There will be a different SDK Key for each app you have configured in your Mapp Engage environment. For example, customers with Android development, Android Production, iOS development, and iOS production apps, will have four different SDK Keys. One for each app. You can also view this in the Mapp Engage system under Administration > Channels

  • APP_ID: This is the ID number of your app from the Mapp Engage Channel Management. There will be a different App ID for each app you have configured in your Mapp Engage environment. For example, customers with Android development, Android Production, iOS development, and iOS production apps, will have four different App ID Keys. One for each app. You can also view this in the Mapp Engage system under Administration > Channels

  • TENANT_ID: This is the ID number of your Mapp Engage system. A Mapp Cloud account manager or project manager will provide all the info mentioned above to you. 

  • Google Project ID: This is the ID number of your Google Project

class AndroidAdvancedTestApplication : Application() {
   override fun onCreate() {
       val opt = AppoxeeOptions()
       opt.sdkKey = SDK_KEY
       opt.googleProjectId = GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID
       //(optional for SDK 6.0.0 and above)
       opt.cepURL = CEP_URL
       opt.appID = APP_ID
       opt.tenantID = TENANT_ID
       //Only for version 5.0.10+
       opt.notificationMode = NotificationMode.BACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND
       //for SDK 6.0.0 and above
       opt.server = AppoxeeOptions.Server.EMC
       Appoxee.engage(this, opt)
       //This line is necessary for Android Oreo and above
       Appoxee.instance().receiver =
       //Necessary for applications with locked screen rotation.
       Appoxee.setOrientation(this, ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
       //Registered users are opt-outed by default.
       Appoxee.instance().isPushEnabled = true
public class AndroidAdvancedTestApplication extends Application {
   public void onCreate() {
       AppoxeeOptions opt = new AppoxeeOptions();
       opt.sdkKey = SDK_KEY;
       opt.googleProjectId = GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID;
       //(optional for SDK 6.0.0 and above)
       opt.cepURL= CEP_URL;
       opt.appID = APP_ID;
       opt.tenantID= TENANT_ID;
       //Only for version 5.0.10+ (optional)
       opt.notificationMode = NotificationMode.BACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND;
       //for SDK 6.0.0 and above
       opt.server = AppoxeeOptions.Server.EMC;
       Appoxee.engage(this, opt);
       //This line is necessary for Android Oreo.
       //Necessary for applications with locked screen rotation.
       Appoxee.setOrientation(this, ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
       //Registered users are opt-outed by default.

Step 2: Register MyPushBroadcastReceiver in your app manifest

App Manifest Update

       <action android:name="com.appoxee.PUSH_OPENED" />
       <action android:name="com.appoxee.PUSH_RECEIVED" />
       <action android:name="com.appoxee.PUSH_DISMISSED" />