
  • Create a user group.

  • Create the audiences, pixels, and integration platforms you want the user group to access.


  1. In the ​Top Navigation​, click | .
    ⇒ The ​Account​ window opens.
  2. Click ​User Groups​.
    ⇒ The ​User Groups​ window opens.

  3. Click by the user group you want to add a permission to.
    ⇒ The ​User Group Permissions​ window opens.
  4. Click the ​Add Permission​ button.
    ⇒ The ​User Group Add Permission​ window opens.
  5. Select values from the drop-down lists and complete the input field as indicated in the table.

    Input Field



    Select an option from the drop-down list to grant or block permission to perform certain operations.

    • ​Allow All:​ Grants all members of the user group permission to read, edit, create, and delete the items specified.

    • Deny All:​ Blocks all members of the user group from performing any actions on the specified items.

    • Custom:​ Displays check boxes that correspond to the individual operations you can assign the group. You can select more than one.

      • ​Read item​

      • ​Edit item​

      • ​Create item​

      • ​Delete item​

    ​Item Type​

    Select an option from the drop-down list to specify the type of data you want members of the user group to access.

    • ​Custom Audiences & Lookalike Audiences​

    • ​Data Collection Pixels​

    • ​Platform Integrations​

    ​Item Scope​

    Select an option to allow members of the group to access all items or only specific items of the selected item type.

    • All items:​ To grant access to all items of the specified item type. Access is automatically granted to newly created items of the item type.

    • ​Individual Items:​ To display the ​Item List​ input field in which you specify items individually by ID.

    ​Item List​

    Enter the IDs to specify individual audiences or data collection pixels. For platform integrations, a drop-down list displays the available integrations. The options comprise the platforms that are already integrated into your software. You can select more than one.

    IDs for data collection pixels are listed in the ​Data Collection Overview​ window.

  6. To save the permission and assign it to the user group, click the ​Save​ button.
    ⇒ The ​User Group Permissions​ window appears. The newly created permission is displayed in the list of permissions assigned to the user group. The permission name is generated from the access type and item scope specified.