As of Autumn 2020, the ​Selection​ feature will no longer be available. ​Selection​ is planned for gradual retirement and will be phased out in Autumn 2020. Mapp offers the following alternative.

If you currently use ​Selection​, this feature remains active until Autumn 2020 only.

For more information, see Mapp Engage: Old Selection phase-out

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In Mapp Engage, a selection is a set of rules that you use to select contacts in your system. Selections help you to create different segments of your overall audience. The more selections that you create, the more you can tailor your marketing messages to specific audience groups. Segment by age, interests, location, activity level, group membership, or other attributes. Selections are flexible, so you can create the filters that you need.

The main use for a selection is to send targeted messages to a specific audience. You can also use selections in automations and to determine who can see what content in a CMS message.

All the data that you store in the profile attributes is available for segmentation. In addition, you can select contacts by group membership status or duration, or by message activity. If you store purchase data or other website data in custom attributes in Mapp Engage, you can create selections based on that data, too.

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