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Deployment date: 31 Aug 2020 - 01 Sep 2020


DMCP-8759 - Push Response Received: Whiteboard isn't triggering
DMCP-8779 - Fix close icon on ecmDialog popup
DMCP-8797 - Segmentation Builder - Users cannot be transferred to a specific group
DMCP-8807 - AssertionFailedException: one row must have been updated
DMCP-8833 - Option “Target Attribute” ending in error "Incorrect Format"

DMCP-8801 - Message Category Name always sent as "main" to WT


Deployment date: 12 Aug 2020 - 20 Aug 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8574 - [SECURITY] - MDS - Hide IP addresses and internal server folder structure


DMCP-8377 - Problems with non ascii characters in url
DMCP-8723 - Inbox Rendering showing wrong information across all colos
DMCP-8724 - {AMP} {log pollution} Failed to get customer AmpMessages statistic
DMCP-8763 - Engage placeholder <%login_signature%> can not be successfully converted in SMS message
DMCP-8786 - POS6US2 ScheduledTaskProcessorTask stuck or very slow on some triggers
DMCP-8789 - {log pollution} {mapp connect} CacheLoader returned null for key mct


Deployment date: 4 Aug 2020 - 11 Aug 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8631 - te…2 - Trigger Job "Export Group Message Statistcis"


DMCP-8699 - {log pollution} {mobile} com.domeus.entity.NoSuchUserException
DMCP-8710 - CIM system (sendout against DS issue)
DMCP-8725 - SMS Response Records are ignored due to wrong response date
DMCP-8741 - Segmentation Builder, selection transfer: issue with the replace mode
DMCP-8757 - preparedmessage/find null pointer exception with specific date value combination
DMCP-8769 - {API 2.0} /preparedmessage/find - typo
DMCP-8722 - New sendout child jobs only process first chunk


Deployment date: 27 Jul 2020 - 29 Jul 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8631 - Trigger Job "Export Group Message Statistics"


DMCP-8699 - {log pollution} {mobile} com.domeus.entity.NoSuchUserException
DMCP-8710 - CIM system (sendout against DS issue)
DMCP-8725 - SMS Response Records are ignored due to wrong response date
DMCP-8741 - Segmentation Builder, selection transfer: issue with the replace mode
DMCP-8757 - preparedmessage/find null pointer exception with specific date value combination
DMCP-8769 - {API 2.0} /preparedmessage/find - typo
DMCP-8722 - New sendout child jobs only process first chunk


Deployment date: 15 Jul 2020 - 24 Jul 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8704 - Bounce manager update


DMCP-8158 - Event Based Automations not always firing and therefore users are not moved to Robinsonlist
DMCP-8711 - CID …. single message Click and Open figures going haywire 01 June 2020
DMCP-8712 - PC - SMS - Purebros integration
DMCP-8715 - {usageStatistics} Split sendout results in NPE
DMCP-8748 - {AMP}{log pollution} com.mapp.cep.sendout.job.notifier.AmpSendoutNotifier - 3,5 M
DMCP-8766 - Missing Purebros entry on Channel creation dialog


Deployment date: 6 Jul 2020 - 14 Jul 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8617 - Add flag unsubscriptionMode to unsubscription API 2.0


DMCP-8722 - New sendout child jobs only process first chunk

DMCP-8613 - Send Single Message to User updates on Content Store
DMCP-8628 - FS cleanup 2020
DMCP-8650 - AuthenticationAppSwitcher Add URLs conf for webtreek link
DMCP-8693 - Change visibility of Usage Statistics link
DMCP-8665 - Transfer selections should have option to keep target group membership
DMCP-8668 - Transfer selection. Keep membership status.
DMCP-8673 - Best time to send in WB AB tests
DMCP-8678 - Changes in CEP to make available Event Values in RD column value.
DMCP-8689 - Usage statistics missing DMP endpoint


Deployment date: 25 Jun 2020 - 1 Jul 2020

Bugfixes :

DMCP-8181 - Creating draft messages and save […] results in duplicated message creation
DMCP-8546 - Issue with Delta Export when using FED process framework
DMCP-8651 - amp emails not being sent (NPE)
DMCP-8655 - Soap Control executing import will fail when group lock is BUSY
DMCP-8656 - Message Creation: Can't select a specific number of group members
DMCP-8659 - Mapp Engage not starting with … build
DMCP-8672 - Wait Job/Step in Whiteboard New did not work as expected


Deployment date: 17 Jun 2020 - 24 Jun 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-7784 - Add Secure List-Unsubscribe Header feature flag


DMCP-8612 - fix NPE
DMCP-8623 - SendDeletedUsersReportTask - Log error …
DMCP-8626 - message stuck ( related with 250ok)
DMCP-8637 - Random split filter problem
DMCP-8593 - related data import shows Skip Rows value is zero …
DMCP-8606 - Invalid date in SMS responses


Deployment date: 8 Jun 2020 - 16 Jun 2020


DMCP-8519 - personalization rule CM2 and regular message
DMCP-8575 - SysMsgRelatedDataImportError sent to wrong recipients after DAS timeout
DMCP-8579 - Missing Data in DataStore …
DMCP-8580 - Android SDK6 Push from whiteboard fails to push with no log error
DMCP-8589 - Event based automation job "Send HTTP request" fetch 500 error
DMCP-8594 - Attribute management: inconsistent column name
DMCP-8599 - {API 2.0} /user/replaceProfileByMobileNumber triggers HTTP 500
DMCP-8612 - fix NPE
DMCP-8637 - Random split filter problem

DMCP-8593 - related data import shows Skip Rows value is zero …


Deployment date: 26 May 2020 - 1 Jun 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8310 - Export Excel Report - Marketer can choose to switch language of export file


DMCP-8510 - Import Related Data set - Time is not imported as per documentation in Date column
DMCP-8515 - RD Lists remained in “importing” status
DMCP-8534 - SendDeletedUsersReportTask OOMs APP boxes
DMCP-8563 - system-user separation issue
DMCP-8565 - RDI failing: NoSuchJobDetailsException
DMCP-8576 - SysMsgSystemUserPasswordExpiryReminder not being sent due to CF: alternate_email
DMCP-8559 - FS Changelog shows fake user
DMCP-8593 - related data import shows Skip Rows value is zero …


Deployment date: 14 May 2020 - 20 May 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8310 - Export Excel Report - Marketer can choose to switch language of export file


DMCP-8433 - skipped msgs shown in msg history
DMCP-8442 - segments issues …
DMCP-8469 - no opens/clicks for domain stats export
DMCP-8471 - Segmentation Builder – Fast Count also includes email addresses from the 250ok seed lists
DMCP-8492 - Whiteboard (event based) not honoring "case sensitive" condition
DMCP-8494 - RDI Jobs failed again for CID:...
DMCP-8498 - Datastore Engine Failed to delete selection file with UUID
DMCP-8529 - FIx load balancing URL selection mechanism and add default retry mechanism
DMCP-8505 - Changelog is not working


Deployment date: 27 Apr 2020 - 4 May 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8450 - Bounce Manager Update
DMCP-8527 - Config change in hdfs-gateway-client


DMCP-8406 - Search bar issue
DMCP-8417 - Blacklist import resolveUsersByHashedEmail not using indexes
DMCP-8439 - Export of Group’s Blacklist contains duplicates
DMCP-8441 - Transfer selection plan report contains wrong number of transferred contacts
DMCP-8446 - WT exporting wrong filename
DMCP-8464 - Every action is slowed down when FS SocialApp is set on TRUE
DMCP-8467 - {Regression}{CROC} RDE failing with DAS
DMCP-8529 - FIx load balancing URL selection mechanism and add default retry mechanism


Deployment date: 9 Apr 2020 - 21 Apr 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8360 - Custom attribute with Date type only
DMCP-8401 - Add table containing history of Feature Switch changes


DMCP-8263 - sysadmin Does not display information in Selection Terms
DMCP-8296 - Link Parameters in the URL
DMCP-8378 - POS1US1 SystemStatsTask failure (too big as type int)
DMCP-8379 - Split Sendouts were sent to more than the fast count
DMCP-8395 - Support Request : 2 temp files generated causing api disk full
DMCP-8398 - warning signal during one sec
DMCP-8404 - log pollution on api boxes (com.domeus.action.UnsubscribeFromGroupAction)
DMCP-8413 - Import to Standard Attribute user.Gender results …
DMCP-8421 - {Amazon S3 Bucket} RDI returning nullPointerException
DMCP-8425 - Staging11/iOS - Push notifications are not received
DMCP-8455 - NullPointerException when using SOAP with addSingleRelatedDataRecord
DMCP-8467 - {Regression}{CROC} RDE failing with DAS
DMCP-8414 - Return proper response and status for API requests.
DMCP-8443 - RD conditioned New SB doesn't work as expected 2


Deployment date: 25 Mar 2020 - 30 Mar 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8225 - Amend Gmail Feedback-ID header
DMCP-8354 - Alternate email being populated with in Mapp Connect API


DMCP-8296 - Link Parameters in the URL
DMCP-8301 - Email is blocked when FS apx_sunset is enabled
DMCP-8340 - message history empty when fetching from DS
DMCP-8342 - List-Unsubscribe Header: Personalization button doesn't work
DMCP-8350 - Inbox Rendering: Error thrown when we click on close button
DMCP-8353 - jobs corrupted
DMCP-8364 - DatastoreCacheException: ... : Could not get a resource from the pool
DMCP-8367 - User should not be subscribed to group by late event
DMCP-8370 - Related Data Imports failed due to invalid column name
DMCP-8384 - Customer reports RD import failure when more columns than are in the RD are at RHS of last column
DMCP-8409 - {DAS}{CROC} relatedData import finished, but job failed


Deployment date: 9 Mar 2020 - 12 Mar 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8178 - New FS for BTS
DMCP-8308 - Old selections sun-setting notification


DMCP-8204 - Scheduled message is showing wrong statistics
DMCP-8263 - sysadmin Does not display information in Selection Terms
DMCP-8322 - {GUI} Wrong Title for Transactions
DMCP-8328 - Coupon code not displayed in the browser …
DMCP-8335 - java.lang.NullPointerException for RDE and DAS
DMCP-8353 - jobs corrupted
DMCP-8364 - DatastoreCacheException: .... Could not get a resource from the pool
DMCP-8332 - Add new FS called enabledFeatures as string
DMCP-8341 - Redis cache config


Deployment date: 25 Feb 2020 - 5 Mar 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8292 - Extend the intelligence endpoint JSON
DMCP-8308 - Old selections sun-setting notification


DMCP-8204 - Scheduled message is showing wrong statistics
DMCP-8325 - RDE Exports & RD Imports used in automations fail and provoke java.lang.NullPointerException
DMCP-8335 - NPE for RDE and DAS
DMCP-8273 - Add support for 502 error in MTA category classifier


Deployment date: 18 Feb 2020 - 20 Feb 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8273 - Add support for 502 error in MTA category classifier


DMCP-8102 - HTML editor issue: simple quotes changed back to double quotes.
DMCP-8240 - Export data to server leaving a stale process because of no data to export
DMCP-8247 - EMC and Engage requests to Selection Engine failing with SocketTimeoutException
DMCP-8253 - Unexpected value/error (Whitelabel Error Page) information within the RDE Output file
DMCP-8254 - RDE: Destination name incorrect
DMCP-8274 - Track System Links issue
DMCP-8279 - Discrepancy in SMS billing …
DMCP-8293 - Automated Import Process of Related Data didn't complete
DMCP-8301 - Email is blocked when FS apx_sunset is enabled
DMCP-8325 - RDE Exports & RD Imports used in automations fail and provoke NPE
DMCP-8059 - Add /triggers endpoint to ServiceAuth allowed paths.
DMCP-8259 - Update of the application path for mobile responses
DMCP-8302 - new/existing user via API MAPP connect not working as expected with Alternative email
DMCP-8314 - Removal of using calls to SB for SB preview
DMCP-8182 - Split sendout - tracking meta data


Deployment date: 11 Feb 2020 - 14 Feb 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8175 - Best Time to Send in split sendout


DMCP-8236 - Inbox rendering Delete and Archive buttons are non functional
DMCP-8247 - EMC and Engage requests to Selection Engine failing with SocketTimeoutException
DMCP-8258 - {regression} old selections - calendar widget inactive
DMCP-8272 - Unable to import Related Data to a specific RD List
DMCP-8293 - Automated Import Process of Related Data didn't complete
DMCP-8257 - Implement WB Goal as multiple events and jobs.
DMCP-8260 - Change selection sync filterUser to async.
DMCP-8271 - Related Data automated import setup
DMCP-8288 - rd table import error (Delete phase of a related data)
DMCP-8294 - CI segments / production configuration notes
DMCP-8273 - Add support for 502 error in MTA category classifier


Deployment date: 28 Jan 2020 - 06 Feb 2020

Change Request:
DMCP-7186 - Add HTTP Feature and Referrer Headerr


DMCP-8042 - API returns 200 Status when no Related Data row exists during lookup
DMCP-8135 - No end date in execution parameters found for inAppCampaign
DMCP-8157 - Whiteboard new redirecting to the login page
DMCP-8194 - Split Sendout Date Picker reverts to previous month when using "later" selection
DMCP-8196 - Only 1 thread/job used for FED Imports …
DMCP-8203 - Selections paginated filtering is not working properly...
DMCP-8213 - {Inbox rendering} HTML > Best practices wrong content
DMCP-8214 - {Regression} Add Selection button disappeared
DMCP-8215 - SMS skipped with datastore_selections
DMCP-8230 - SystemMessage not listed on system messages overview
DMCP-8258 - {regression} old selections - calendar widget inactive


Deployment date: 13 Jan 2020 - 20 Jan 2020

Change Requests:
DMCP-8110 - BI Segments module (MVP)


DMCP-7523 - Segmentation Builder is not calculating right the number of recipients from prepared message
DMCP-7765 - Unable to check statistics
DMCP-7790 - System permissions for Whiteboard not working as intended.
DMCP-7923 - datastore.messagestatistics issue
DMCP-7936 - RDE Exports taking too long time - Datastore
DMCP-7989 - RD export: timezone issue
DMCP-8037 - Unable to export Group Message Statistics in one go
DMCP-8086 - RDE: multiple fields with empty values
DMCP-8093 - export keeps failing even after attempts
DMCP-8148 - Header issue : system throws "Required field" error
DMCP-8158 - Event Based Automations not always firing and therefore users are not moved to Robinsonlist
DMCP-8163 - {API 2.0} senderProfile not set for /preparedmessage/find
DMCP-8166 - api call throwing error "No enum constant"
DMCP-8169 - Fix API for Relateddata methods without filter option.
DMCP-8180 - Pop-up keeps on appearing on Reply Handling Tab
DMCP-8187 - Support Request : Whiteboard NEW issue with export contact
DMCP-8196 - Only 1 thread/job for FED Imports …

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