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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Deployment date: 4 Aug 2020 - 11 Aug 2020

Change Request:

DMCP-8631 - te…2 - Trigger Job "Export Group Message Statistcis"


DMCP-8699 - {log pollution} {mobile} com.domeus.entity.NoSuchUserException
DMCP-8710 - CIM system (sendout against DS issue)
DMCP-8725 - SMS Response Records are ignored due to wrong response date
DMCP-8741 - Segmentation Builder, selection transfer: issue with the replace mode
DMCP-8757 - preparedmessage/find null pointer exception with specific date value combination
DMCP-8769 - {API 2.0} /preparedmessage/find - typo
DMCP-8722 - New sendout child jobs only process first chunk


Deployment date: 27 Jul 2020 - 29 Jul 2020
