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Deployment date: 8 Jun 2020 - 16 Jun 2020


DMCP-8519 - personalization rule CM2 and regular message
DMCP-8575 - SysMsgRelatedDataImportError sent to wrong recipients after DASAccess connection timeout
DMCP-8579 - Missing Data in DataStore 18 May 2020
DMCP-8580 - Android SDK6 Push from whiteboard fails to push with no log error
DMCP-8589 - Event based automation job "Send HTTP request" fetch 500 error
DMCP-8594 - Attribute management: inconsistent column name
DMCP-8599 - {API 2.0} /user/replaceProfileByMobileNumber triggers HTTP 500
DMCP-8612 - NPE com.teradata.dmc.queue.QueueServiceRecoveryRunner
DMCP-8637 - Random split filter problem

DMCP-8593 - related data import shows Skip Rows value is zero, although some rows were skipped


Deployment date: 26 May 2020 - 1 Jun 2020
