You can analyze returning users of your website in various ways. The best option depends on what approach you have and what analysis you want to build.

New vs. Returning

The dimension new vs. returning makes sense if you want to see how many users of your website are regular visitors and how many are new visitors. In the standard analysis Visitor > Visits > New vs. Returning you can see what the percentage distribution is by default in the Visits % metric.

More information on this topic can be found in the online help New vs. Returning.


Cohort analysis looks at users who had their first visit at the same time. This makes it possible, for example, to monitor the effects of marketing activities in the long term. A campaign may have generated many new visitors to the page, but most of them will not return. Cohorts can cover a wide range of questions.

More information on cohorts can be found in the training chapter Cohorts.

Automatically collected user-specific information

A large amount of information about the entire customer lifetime is automatically calculated by Mapp Intelligence. Analog to the cohorts, where it is a matter of viewing the first visit, you can see via the key figure URM - Days since Contact when users last interacted with the page.

For more information, see Extended User-centric Analyses.

Valuable information can also be gathered from the customer micro and customer macro status. The micro-status is used to achieve the goal in the respective visit, the macro-status to enable the long-term goal achievement related to the visitor, not only to the visit.

Examples of the use of micro and macro status can be found in the training chapter Analysis of Goal Achievement.

Individual information

If you want to enter additional information about your users that is not automatically collected by Mapp Intelligence, you can pass it in a parameter or URM category. This could be e.g. the login status, another website-specific status or information from the CRM system.

For examples of integrating CRM data, see Data Exchange CRM - Mapp Intelligence.

For further questions please contact us.