
Send a welcome message to all new group subscribers. The program includes a follow-up message to all new subscribers who don't click the welcome message.


  • Automatically respond to every new subscription to your newsletter.

  • Get your customer relationship off to a great start with an enthusiastic, genuine welcome mail and a targeted follow-up.

  • Encourage new subscribers to become purchasing customers.

Marketing Inspiration​

  • Consider creating a separate campaign for contacts who subscribe and at the same time complete their first purchase. Purchasers already receive a confirmation email and a shipping confirmation, so you don't want to bombard them with emails in the first week. Instead, consider sending them a customized welcome program that starts a week after the initial purchase. Use this welcome program to cross-sell related products and strengthen the customer relationship.

  • Don't forget to set up a profile enrichment program so that you're continuously gathering data about your contacts. See Profile Enrichment​.


This procedure has three steps.

A) Create two messages: a welcome message and a follow-up message.

B) Create a selection that identifies contacts who were added to the group a week ago, but who didn't click on the welcome message.

C) Create an event-based automation that sends the welcome message after subscription. On the same whiteboard, create a time-based automation that sends the reminder message on a daily basis. The reminder is sent to contacts who were added to the group a week ago, but who didn't click on the welcome message.

A) Create the Messages​


Save the message as a prepared message.

For more information, see Save Draft as Prepared Message​.



You can update the content of the prepared message at any time. For example, you can easily add or change a coupon or update the graphics. There is no need to change or pause the automation. Sendout with the new content continues as scheduled.

B) Create Selection​

Create a selection that identifies contacts who were added to the group a week ago, but who didn't click on the welcome message.

In the ​Recipients​ > ​Selection area, create a new selection with the following two conditions. Combine the conditions with ​and​.

Condition 1: Selects contact who did not click on the special introductory offer email.

Basis for Condition: ​Message​

Group: Select the group.

Message: ​Prepared Message​. From the ​Prepared Message​ drop-down list, select the ​WelcomeMessage​ message.

Click ​Add​

Status: ​Link clicked, No, Any link ​

Condition 2: Selects contacts who were added to the group

Basis for Condition: ​Group​

Select the group into which you import new contacts.

Attribute: ​Member Creation Date​

Click ​Add​

Match: ​Selection run date, exactly before, 7 days​

C) Create Automations​

  1. In the ​Automation​ area, create a new whiteboard.
  2. Drag one ​Time​ module, one ​Time-based job​ module, one ​Event​ module, and one ​Event-based job​ module onto the whiteboard.
  3. Drag and drop between the connection  buttons to connect the modules as shown above.
  4. Define the module settings as follows:

    a. Event Module



    This module tracks new subscriptions to the group.


    Enter a name for the module.


    ​Subscription to Group (C)​

    Group Name

    Select the group.

    b. Event-based Job Module



    This module sends a welcome message to new subscribers.


    Enter a name for the module.


    ​Send Prepared Message to Contact (C)​


    Select the ​Use Event Parameter​ check box. This check box tells Mapp Engage to send the welcome message to the same contact who just subscribed to the newsletter.


    Select the ​WelcomeMessage​.

    Define Delay

    Use the fields in the ​Define Delay​ area to define an optional delay between subscription and sendout of the welcome message.

    c. Time Module



    This module is a daily schedule.


    Enter a name for the module.


    Recurring Date


    Define the desired time of the daily sendout.





    d. Time-based Job Module



    This module sends a message to the reminder selection.


    Enter a name for the module.


    ​Send Prepared Message to Selection​


    Select the ​ReminderMessage​.


    Select the reminder selection.

  5. Click ​Next​.
    ⇒ The ​Whiteboard​ wizard opens to step two.
  6. Define the desired time frame and notifications.
  7. Click ​Activate​ to immediately activate the whiteboard. Only active whiteboards are executed by the system.