The visibility of teasers that rotate on a page or whose visibility is controlled by the zIndex cannot be detected automatically. However, you can capture the views using manual view tracking.

If you use a zIndex to mark the teaser visibility, you must advise the plugin when a teaser is viewed. In this variant, the teaser is only marked for click, engagement and conversion tracking.

To measure the teaser views manually, call the following method and transfer the teaser information:


window.wt_ttv2 = window.wt_ttv2 || [];
           	name: "New Women Collection",
           	rank: "Main Page Banner",
           	content: "Women Collection",
           	variant: "campaign",
           	cType: "view",
           	cGoal: "goal",
           	cValue: "15"

If you want to assign the teaser to the conversion or website target as soon as it has been viewed, also use the parameter "cType".


Via this parameter, you can also assign the seen teaser to a target.


Via this parameter, you can also assign the seen teaser to a value.