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  1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click | .
    ⇒ The ​User Overlap​ window opens.


Review the degree to which unique users overlap between different audiences or pixels based on seven days of data.




Run Analysis​

Calculates the degree to which unique users overlap between the input audience or pixel and the audiences or pixels that you selected for comparison.




​Select Input​

Select from the drop-down list the source of user input for the analysis:

  • Audience​

  • ​Pixel​

To display all the available options of the selected type in a drop-down list, enter three spaces in the search field.

​Overlap with All​

Select from the drop-down list the sources of users to serve as comparison with the selected input.

  • Audience:​ To perform a comparison with all audiences.

  • Pixel:​ To perform a comparison with all pixels.

​Or select one specific Audience​

Select the check box and enter three spaces in the search field to view all the available audiences. You can select more than one.

​Or select one specific Pixel​

Select the check box and enter three spaces in the search field to view all the available pixels. You can select more than one.