
For the Whiteboard to process the Product Catalog Event, you first need to define triggers in Administration > eCommerce > Triggers. Triggers that are set up correctly, meet the following criteria:

  1. A product row is added to the Product Catalog via file import or Mapp Connect. (Triggers are not executed when processing Wishlist or Abandoned Cart).

  2. At least one active Whiteboard is created where the Product Catalog Event is the start event.

  3. The product SKU already exists in the Product Catalog and has at least one:
    1. Wishlist or Abandoned Cart entry for the imported product SKU if the trigger table is set to All
    2. Wishlist entry for the imported product SKU if the trigger table is set to Wishlist
    3. Abandoned Cart entry for the imported product SKU if the table is set to Abandoned Cart