The scroll depth is used to record how far users scroll down on a web page. This is a reference value that is of interest when you wish to find out more about usage behaviour.

Find more information here.


<amp-analytics type="mapp_intelligence">
    <script type="application/json">
		"vars": {
			"trackDomain": "",
			"trackId": "111111111111111" 
		"triggers": { 
			"trackScroll": { 
				"on": "scroll", 
				"scrollSpec": {
					"verticalBoundaries": [25, 50, 75, 85, 100] 
				"request": "scroll" 
trackScrollThis parameter implements the tracking of the scroll depth.

Define in percent when an event request should be sent with the currently reached position.

Example: 25%, 50%, 75%, 85% and 100%