The page URL is a predefined content group in Mapp Intelligence that shows the initially tracked URL of a page.

By doing so, URL parameters are taken into account, too.


At 08:02 the page "home" was logged for the first time in Mapp Intelligence. A URL parameter was used ("mc=teaser"). This URL is used as the page URL and is also used for all subsequent calls and is not read out again.

Common mistakes

  • A wrong URL is shown?
    This, for example, is the case if pages were initially accessed in a test environment.
  • No URL ("-") is shown?

    This, for example, is the case if pages were initially accessed without activated JavaScript.

In both cases, either corrected data can be imported, or a function can be activated, which reads the URLs out again. Find more information here.

Use custom parameters (type "Pages", data type "Generic") to track the unique URL for each page impression.