As mentioned in our previous release, our new updates will make more descriptive Device, Browser, and Platform data available in Mapp Intelligence!

Key Benefits

  • We now provide more in-depth information on the devices, browsers, and platforms your visitors use! This information can be used to help you analyze them in more granular detail, including separate fields for the major and minor versions of their browsers.
  • These updates are available not only in our Reports, but also in Raw Data Exports and Data Streams.

How does it work?

You can add all of our new dimensions to your analyses. One of the main advantages of these new dimensions is the new level of granularity offered, meaning that you can distinguish from a visit from a Safari visit from an iPad and one from an iPhone, as well as the exact version of Safari being used. The newly separated dimensions mean you can also filter more precisely, such as looking for a particular minor version or grouping together a number of major versions. 

Overview of new dimensions

This overview includes the names of the new dimensions, example values. We have also added the fields to getFullVisitors in Raw Data Exports, as well as to the Device (new). Browser, Operating System, and Platform tables in Data Streams.

Name of dimensionExampleField in Data Streams / Raw Data Export

Browser NameSafari (see note below)BROWSER_NAME
Browser VendorAppleBROWSER_VENDOR
Browser Version  12.0.1BROWSER_VERSION
Browser Version (major)12BROWSER_MAJOR_VERSION
Browser Version (minor)0BROWSER_MINOR_VERSION
Operating System

Operating System NameiOSOS_NAME
Operating System VendorAppleOS_VENDOR
Operating System Version8.1OS_VERSION
Operating System Version (major)8OS_MAJOR_VERSION
Operating System Version (minor)1OS_MINOR_VERSION

DevicesApple iPhoneDEVICE
Device NameiPhone 12DEVICE_NAME 
Device VendorAppleDEVICE_VENDOR
Device FamilyiPhoneDEVICE_FAMILY
Device Model12DEVICE_MODEL
Device Class



Note: You can now distinguish between Safari and other browser visits from desktop and mobile using the dimension "Browser Name". This is not supported by all browsers.

Any fields not listed above will not be affected by these changes. If you are having trouble with your reports, please contact your Account or Customer Success Manager. 


This feature is part of our Spring 2021 product update. It's available by default to all Mapp Intelligence users as of 11 May 2021.