You can choose to use Cocoapods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager to integrate the Mapp Intelligence library into your application.

Please always check the latest version on GitHub: Mapp Intelligence iOS SDKv5 releases.

Installation via Cocoapods

  1. Include pod 'MappIntelligence', '5.0.0-beta1.0.0' in your app's podfile

    target 'yourApp' do
        # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
        # Pods for yourAppStoryboard
            pod 'MappIntelligence', '<current SDK version>'
        target 'yourAppStoryboardTests' do
        inherit! :search_paths
        # Pods for testing
  2. Install pod in your app via pod install 

Installation via Carthage

Include the following line to your Carthage file:

github "mapp-digital/MappIntelligence-iOS-v5" "<current SDK version>"

Installation via Swift Package Manager

To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter its repository URL. You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section, click the + button, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency. Please note that you need to get the SDK from the master branch to also include hotfixes in your build.