To initialize the tracking functionality, you have to perform the following steps:

Implementation Options

First, import the tracking classes to be able to use them in your source code.

import Webtrekk

Our tracking functionality is provided via the class "Webtrekk."

It is implemented as "singleton" and has to be initialized once. We recommend doing that in the "application" method of your AppDelegate.


import UIKit
import Webtrekk
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
  var window: UIWindow ?
   func application(
     application: UIApplication,
     didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject] ? ) - > Bool {
     try !WebtrekkTracking.initTrack()
     return true

First, import the tracking classes to be able to use them in your source code.

import com.webtrekk.webtrekksdk.Webtrekk;

Our tracking functionality is provided via the class "Webtrekk."

It is implemented as "singleton" and has to be initialized once. We recommend doing that in the "onCreate" method of your MainActivity.


private Webtrekk webtrekk;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     super .onCreate(savedInstanceState);
     webtrekk = Webtrekk.getInstance();

If you have made all required settings as described in the section "Configuring the App Tracking" the tracking functionality is now available. Initial requests can now be sent to your Mapp Intelligence account.