The function fn:toUpperCase converts all the characters of a string to upper case for the purpose of performing a query. The actual source string is not changed in any way. The value returned is a string data type.


The custom attribute user.CustomAttribute['job title']​ contains any number of possible job titles. When the list used to populate this data was created, the spelling of these values was not verified. The values stored in the attribute contain variations in capitalization, e.g., 'MANAGER", 'manager' and 'Manager'.

All recipients with 'manager' (any case) will receive a special text in their email.

The function fn:toUpperCase is used to convert all values in the target attribute to upper case. This result is then compared to the specified value MANAGER using the operator ​==​ to convert the resulting string into a Boolean value. The text is inserted into the message using an ​InsertIf​ statement, which is constructed as follows:

<%InsertIf expression="${((fn:toUpperCase(user.CustomAttribute['job title'])=='MANAGER'))}"%>Text<%/InsertIf%>







Specifies the target string.