In Mapp Intelligence there is a limit for the number of active campaigns, an account can have. That means, once this limit is reached, no new campaigns can be created.

The current status can be seen in the marketing configuration in Q3 at the tab campaign structure:

There are two options. Either the limit can be raised. Please contact your Consultant or KeyAccount manager or

Or you perform a cleanup. To do that, campaigns have to be deactivated. The easiest way to to that is to create a list of campaigns that are not required anymore and set an end date for them lying in the past. This can be done via upload.


Let us assume, all newsletter campaigns started prior to 2018 shall be deactivated.

1. First, create an analysis via Marketing > Campaigns > Advertising Media, filtered on those media codes. As time range for the analysis choose the time from the beginning of your data processing with Mapp Intelligence until December 31st 2017.

2. Export the result as Excel file.

3. Copy the column with the campaign names in the attached excel template (in columns A and C. (You can get a template yourself by exporting it from the campaign configuration, but the attached version only contains the necessary columns for the upload.)

4. Fill Column D with the value "external" and column B with yesterday's date:

5. Upload the file in marketing configuration.

Usually, the import is processed with the next account update (about every hour) and you should see the effect in the overview.

