Mapp Engage has all it takes to serve as the central open marketing automation platform for your business! Powered by the new HTTP connector, Mapp's Whiteboard allows you to both send API calls to third-party systems, and react to the result. 

Key Benefits

  • Powered by Mapp's HTTP connector: This feature offers limitless connection capabilities to any API-tools you are using in your workflows, whether it's marketing or project management tools. Use it as your main engine to trigger events based on data from your other systems. The feature covers all HTTP methods. In addition to GET and POST, you can now also use PUT, PATCH and DELETE.

  • Trigger an event based on the response:
    • Use values received from the third-party server, thanks to the new HTTP Body Parser.
    • These values can be used for message personalization or be stored in a contact profile as an attribute. 
    • Vary the automation flow based on received parameters, and/or the HTTP request status. For instance, trigger different messages to be sent out depending on the HTTP response (200-ok, 404-not found) and your defined parameter such as "loyalty status".

Additional Enhancements

  • Continue flow even if request failsLet the automation flow continue even if the request fails, using a new checkbox: Continue the whiteboard flow if the request fails.
  • Easy to use: All Jobs, Events and Filters are now grouped under menus for an enhanced user experience.


This feature will be released in an ongoing deployment to all accounts. The roll out starts on December 9th. If you have any questions, talk to your Customer Success Manager. If you have any questions, talk to your Customer Success Manager.