
To view all the messages that you have sent to a particular contact.

Background Information​

The ​Message History​ window displays all the messages that you have sent to a contact.

What can I do in this window?

  • See all the messages that a contact has received from you.
  • See how many times a contact received a copy of a single message. Single messages include automated single sendouts (birthday messages, transactional messages), some messages that are sent with API calls and system messages.
  • Search for a specific message, sendouts from a specific group or messages that are sent in a certain time frame.
  • See whether the contact opened or clicked the message.

Related Topics​

  1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Audience​> ​Administration​.
  2. Click the ​All Contacts​ tab.
    ⇒The ​Contacts Overview​ window opens.
  3. Locate the desired contact in the table. You can use the input fields in the table header to search for a contact. Search by name, address type (email, SMS, or mobile app alias), or external identifier.
  4. Next to the selected contact, click ​Message History​.
    The ​Message History​ window opens. The ​Message History​ window displays all the messages that a contact has received from you.


If you delete a message from Mapp Engage:

  • The message statistics are deleted. You can no longer view or download statistics for this message.

  • The contents of the message are deleted. You can no longer open the ​Message Preview​ window for this message.

However, the message is still displayed in the list of sent messages in the ​Message History​ window.