For each person, a User should be created to get access. Here you can create new users and edit existing ones.

Basic user information

First Name:Is shown within the User Interface and used to easily identify the user in the user management.
Last Name:Is shown within the User Interface and used to easily identify the user in the user management.
Login:Is used to log in into the Suite. It must be unique.
E-Mail:The password is sent to this address.
Language:Is used to adapt the User Interface. Does not apply to custom elements, e.g., Custom Metrics, Custom Formulas, Categories, and Parameters.
Number Format:Applies to all analyses, reports, and exports.

Password Management

Here you can choose whether the password of the user expires (and must be renewed after a specific amount of days) or not.

If the password expires, the user has to set a new password the next time he tries to log in.

Assign roles

A user can be assigned to one or more roles. These are used to define the access rights of a user.

Alternatively, users can be added within the "Role" configuration.

Further Information: