You can categorize contacts based on existing profile data. This is done using a profile-based automation of the type ​Mapping​.

This topic contains the following examples:

  • Email domain categorization

  • Regional categorization (based on postal codes)

Email Domain Categorisation​

Some email providers offer multiple email address domains. You can use a mapping to identify contacts with an email address at any one of those domains. This is useful if you want to adapt your email content to the security or display requirements a particular email provider.

Example: find all contacts with an email address at Yahoo, Ymail or Rocketmail. These are all Yahoo! email domains.


  1. In the Administration​ > ​Attributes area, create a new custom user attribute with the name ​YahooAddresses​. The date type is Boolean.
  2. In the ​Automation​ area, create a profile-based automation with the type Mapping.
    From the ​Target Attribute​ drop-down list, select ​YahooAddresses​.
    The mapping has the following condition:
    Tab. : Mapping





    ${((ecm:regexMatches(user['Email'], '.*yahoo.*') || ecm:regexMatches(user['Email'], '.*ymail.*')) || ecm:regexMatches(user['Email'], '.*rocketmail.*'))}


  3. From the ​Default​ drop-down list, select False.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Select the profile-based automation and click the Activate button.
    ⇒ The profile-based automation is now active.
  6. Click the Apply Automations​ button.
    ⇒ Engage applies the automation to all contacts in the system. This can take a long time. An email notifies you when the automation is finished.

Regional Categorization (Based on Postal Code)​

This example uses postal codes to categorise contacts by geographical region. For example, postal codes that begin with 412 OR 413 OR 414 are categorised as Northeast.

You can add any number of conditions to the same mapping to map multiple regions in one mapping.


  1. In the ​Administration​ > ​Attributes area, create a new custom user attribute with the name ​Region​. The date type is string. You must enumerate all possible values in advance. For example: ​Southwest​, ​Central​, ​Northwest​.
    (Optional) Enumerate a value ​Unknown​. Use this value as the default if you don't know where a contact lives.
  2. In the ​Automation​ area, create a profile-based automation with the type Mapping.
    From the ​Target Attribute​ drop-down list, select the attribute Region.
    The mapping has the following condition:
    Tab. : Mapping





    ${((ecm:regexMatches(user['ZipCode'], '412.*') || ecm:regexMatches(user['ZipCode'], '413.*') || ecm:regexMatches(user['ZipCode'], '414.*'))}


  3. Create a new condition for each geographical region you want to map. Change the postal codes in the expression accordingly.
  4. (Optional) From the ​Default​ drop-down list, select Unknown.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Select the profile-based automation and click the Activate button.
    ⇒ The profile-based automation is now active.
  7. Click the Apply Automations button.
    ⇒ Engage applies the automation to all contacts in the system. This can take a long time. An email notifies you when the automation is finished.