This section describes what kind of information can be send for different request types. Find descriptions, methods and examples to adapt them to your needs.


Page requests are used to send page-related data to Mapp Intelligence; such as the page name, parameters, or categories, among others.

Page naming

By default, the library creates a name on the basis of the page URL. Parameters in the URL are not automatically taken into account for the page name. For example, the URL will be automatically changed to form the page name . If you want to manually create a page name, simply fill the value for setName with your desired page name. When left blank, the library creates the page name automatically.

Category (Content groups)

Page related categories are called content groups. Content groups must be configured in Mapp Q3 before being able to track them via the library. When configuring the tracking in the library, you need to include the ID as a number and the respective value as a string. Content group parameters should not exceed a length of 255 characters. All additional characters are deleted.


Content groups are assigned one time to a page. If a page is tracked together with a content group, all subsequent page calls of the page will also be assigned to this content group. Only the first-ever tracked value will be shown. Mapp therefore recommends implementing content IDs and content groups while embedding the library. See also How can I replace missing values ("-") in categories?


Page parameters refer to single pages and are assigned to them directly. In contrast to content groups, parameters can be used to pass different values with each page request. Page parameters must be configured in Mapp Q3 before being able to track them via the library. When configuring the tracking in the library, you need to include the ID as a number and the respective value as a string.


Website goals help to track the success of your website. You can easily analyze and filter the individual goals in Mapp Intelligence. Furthermore, the calculation of the customer journey is based on website goals, meaning that you can track the individual campaigns responsible for the goal achievement. Website goals have to be configured. When configuring the tracking in the library, you need to include the ID as a number and the respective value as a string. The website goal "Order" is predefined in Mapp and cannot be tracked within the page object. As soon as a parameter is tracked (no matter which value is submitted), the goal is set as achieved. Therefor it does not make sense to submit the value "no" for the goal "Newsletter Registration" if a user has not registered for the newsletter. Setting the value to "no" would instead mark the goal as achieved.

Supported methods for page requests



Where to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...)

Where to analyze

constructorAllows to overwrite the default page naming.-Navigation > Pages > Pages
setNameAllows to overwrite the default page naming.-Navigation > Pages > Pages
setSearchSearch terms used in internal search.-Marketing > Search Phrases > Internal Search Phrases
setNumberSearchResultsNumber of internal search results.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Number of search resultsMetric: [Name of Parameter]
setErrorMessagesAllows to track error messages.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Error messagesNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setPaywallAllows to mark an article, if it is behind the Paywall.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Paywall callsNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setArticleTitleArticle heading.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Article headingNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setContentTagsTags of an article.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Content tagsNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setTitleTitle of the page.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Page titleNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setTypeType of the page (e.g. "overview").Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Page typeNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setLengthLength of the page (e.g. "large").Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Page lengthNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setDaysSincePublicationDays since publication.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Days since publicationNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setTestVariantName of the test variant.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > VariantNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setTestExperimentName of the test.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > ExperimentNavigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setParameterYou can use parameters to enrich Mapp Intelligence data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics.Custom Parameters > Page Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own ConfigurationDatatype Text: Navigation > Page Parameters > [Name of Parameter]Datatype Figure: metric
setCategoryPage categories (called "Content Groups" in Mapp) are used to group pages to create website areas.Categories > Content Groups > New CategoryDatatype Text: Navigation > Content groups > [Name of Content group]Datatype Figure: metric
setGoalWhen using website goals, all central goals are quickly available for analyzing and filtering.Custom Parameters > E-Commerce Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own ConfigurationDatatype Text: E-Commerce > E-Commerce Parameters > [Name of Parameter]Datatype Figure: metric


MappIntelligencePage mappPageData = new MappIntelligencePage();
 * MappIntelligencePage constructor.
 * @param n Allows to overwrite the default page naming
MappIntelligencePage mappPageData = new MappIntelligencePage(String n);


 * @param n Allows to overwrite the default page naming
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setName(String n);


 * @param s Search terms used in internal search
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setSearch(String s);


 * @param nSearchResults Number of internal search results
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setNumberSearchResults(int nSearchResults);


 * @param eMessages Allows to track error messages
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setErrorMessages(String eMessages);


 * @param p Allows to mark an article, if it is behind the Paywall
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setPaywall(boolean p);


 * @param aTitle Article heading
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setArticleTitle(String aTitle);


 * @param cTags Tags of an article
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setContentTags(String cTags);


 * @param t Title of the page
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setTitle(String t);


 * @param t Type of the page (e.g. "overview")
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setType(String t);


 * @param l Length of the page (e.g. "large")
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setLength(String l);


 * @param dSincePublication Days since publication
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setDaysSincePublication(int dSincePublication);


 * @param tExperiment Name of the test
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setTestExperiment(String tExperiment);


 * @param tVariant Name of the test variant
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setTestVariant(String tVariant);


 * You can use parameters to enrich Mapp Intelligence data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics.
 * @param id    ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setParameter(int id, String value);


 * Page categories (called "Content Groups" in Mapp) are used to group pages to create website areas.
 * @param id    ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setCategory(int id, String value);


 * When using website goals, all central goals are quickly available for analyzing and filtering.
 * @param id    ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligencePage
mappPageData.setGoal(int id, String value);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligencePage mappPageData = new MappIntelligencePage("name");
mappPageData.setName("name of a page")
    .setSearch("search term")
    .setErrorMessages("error message")
    .setArticleTitle("name of an article")
    .setContentTags("name of a content tag")
    .setTitle("title of a page")
    .setType("type of a page")
    .setTestVariant("name of a variant")
    .setTestExperiment("name of an experiment")
    .setParameter(1, "parameter 1")
    .setParameter(2, "parameter 2")
    .setCategory(1, "category 1")
    .setCategory(2, "category 2")
    .setGoal(1, "goal 1")
    .setGoal(2, "goal 2");

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).page(mappPageData));


Any action on the website can be tracked as an event in Mapp Intelligence. Events can be as simple as clicking on internal or external links or more advanced such as tracking scroll or content engagement events. Measured actions are listed in the tool under "Navigation > Events". Action tracking requires that Java is active on the visitor's browser. If not, the action on your website will be executed as normal, i.e. your website's functionality will not be affected by action tracking.


You can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics. Observe the syntax guidelines when defining parameters. Action parameters must be set up in the configuration ("Configuration > Custom Parameters > Event Parameter") before they can be entered. The ID and data type (text/number) are defined for each parameter during setup, among other things.


Website goals help you track the success of your website. You can easily analyze and filter the individual goals in Mapp Intelligence. Furthermore, the calculation of the customer journey is based on website goals, meaning that you can track the individual campaigns responsible for the goal achievement. Website goals have to be configured at "Configuration > Goal". When configuring the tracking in the pixel, you need to include the ID as a number and the respective value as a string. The website goal "Order" is predefined in Q3. It is always reached as soon as an order value is tracked. If you have other website goals (e.g. registration, newsletter subscription), a goal parameter has to be set on the corresponding pages.

As soon as a parameter is tracked (no matter which value is submitted), the goal is set as achieved. Therefore it does not make sense to submit the value "no" for the goal "Newsletter Registration" if a user has not registered for the newsletter. Setting the value to "no" would instead mark the goal as achieved.

Supported methods for action requests

MethodsDescriptionWhere to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...)Where to analyze
constructorUnique identification of the action.-Navigation > Events
setNameUnique identification of the action.-Navigation > Events
setParameterYou can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics. Observe the syntax guidelines when defining parameters.Custom Parameters > Event Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own ConfigurationNavigation > Event Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setGoalNeeded when website goals are based on events.Custom Parameters > E-Commerce Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own Configuration

Datatype Text: E-Commerce > E-Commerce Parameters > [Name of Parameter]

Datatype Figure: metric


MappIntelligenceAction mappActionData = new MappIntelligenceAction();
 * @param n Unique identification of the action
MappIntelligenceAction mappActionData = new MappIntelligenceAction(String n);


 * @param n Unique identification of the action
 * @return MappIntelligenceAction
mappActionData.setName(String n);


 * You can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics.
 * Observe the syntax guidelines when defining parameters.
 * @param id    ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceAction
mappActionData.setParameter(int id, String value);


 * Needed when website goals are based on events.
 * @param id    ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceAction
mappActionData.setGoal(int id, String value);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceAction mappActionData = new MappIntelligenceAction();
    .setParameter(2, "param2")
    .setParameter(15, "param15")
    .setGoal(2, "goal2")
    .setGoal(15, "goal15");

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).action(mappActionData));


Campaign tracking is configured in Mapp Q3 ("Configuration > Marketing Configuration"). Without this configuration, no campaign information such as campaign clicks will be collected. Visits to certain pages or the entry of defined links can be tracked as campaign clicks. Most importantly, campaign tracking uses specific parameters – so-called media codes - that are added to the target URLs of the ads. Using a media code improves the accuracy of the data collected with the libray. Media codes can also be overwritten or supplemented with additional information using campaign parameters.


You have the option of setting your own campaign ID in the library. A campaign ID consists of a media code name and its value, separated by "%3D".


If you use media codes as a data source for your campaign tracking, entering the name of the media code parameter can increase tracking accuracy. Without this information, up to 10% of the tracked data can, for example, be impaired if certain firewalls are used. Example: You have created a campaign called "ABC" in the Webtrekk tool and measure it using the media code process (data source settings e.g. "URL parameter: mc" and "Value:"). The URL for this campaign must be as follows: . The campaign will then be identified by the URL parameter "mc". The value of the URL parameter ("") plays no role in pixel configuration. To raise the accuracy of the media code process, enter the URL parameter used for campaign identification, e.g. "mc", in the pixel's configuration segment. This configuration needs only to be made for pages to which the campaign refers (target page/landing page).


Campaign parameters can either be entered directly in the page configuration or in the campaign configuration with a target URL along with the media code. If the same parameters are used for both the URL and the page configuration, the latter takes precedence and overwrites the URL parameter. A typical example of transmitting a campaign parameter by URL is a link position in a newsletter. If the newsletter contains several links, this identifies which link was used.

Supported methods for campaign requests


Description Where to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...) Where to analyze
constructorA campaign ID consists of a media code name and its value, separated by "%3D".-Marketing > Campaign > Advertising Media
setIdA campaign ID consists of a media code name and its value, separated by "%3D".-Marketing > Campaign > Advertising Media
setParameterCampaign parameters always refer to an advertising medium.Custom Parameters > Campaign Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own Configuration-


MappIntelligenceCampaign mappCampaignData = new MappIntelligenceCampaign();
 * @param i A campaign ID consists of a media code name and its value, separated by "%3D"
MappIntelligenceCampaign mappCampaignData = new MappIntelligenceCampaign(String i);


 * @param i A campaign ID consists of a media code name and its value, separated by "%3D"
 * @return MappIntelligenceCampaign
mappCampaignData.setId(String i);


 * Campaign parameters always refer to an advertising medium.
 * @param i    ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceCampaign
mappCampaignData.setParameter(int i, String value);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceCampaign mappCampaignData = new MappIntelligenceCampaign();
    .setParameter(1, "parameter 1")
    .setParameter(2, "parameter 2");

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).campaign(mappCampaignData));


To improve customer identification, you can use customer IDs instead of Mapp Intelligence's long-term cookies ("eid"). The reason for this is that some users or programms automatically delete long-term cookies once a session (visit) ends. Without customer IDs, returning customers will not be identified.

Customer IDs can be passed to the library following a successful login or completed order, for example.


A customer ID can be a unique identifier from your shop or CMS system, or the customer's e-mail address. If the latter, it is necessary to encrypt the e-mail address and ensure the e-mail address is unreadable (e.g. using the MD5 or SHA256 hash) to comply with data protection requirements.

If you use an unhashed e-mail address as customer ID, the library automatically generates a SHA256 hash and uses that as the customer ID.


Categories can be used for additional information of the customer. Categories have to be activated and set up in the configuration ("Configuration > Categorisation > URM Categories") before they can be collected. When configuring the pixel, you must use the ID as set up in the account configuration as a number and the respective value as a string.


It is recommended to transmit hashed personal data that is not evaluated in terms of content (e.g. with the SHA256 hash). If you would like to collect this data for analytical reasons, we suggest that you transmit the data in encrypted form (see the document Encryption of Tracking Data).

Supported methods for customer requests


DescriptionWhere to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...)

Where to analyze

constructorUse this to transmit an unique identifier of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - Custom Visitor Id
setIdUse this to transmit an unique identifier of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - Custom Visitor Id
setCustomIdentifierUse this to transmit an custom unique identifier of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - Custom Visitor Id
setEmailRIDUse this to transmit the e-mail receiver ID of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setEmailOptinUse this to transmit the e-mail opt-in status of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setGenderUse this to transmit the gender of the user (1 = male | 2 = female).-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setBirthdayUse this to transmit the user's date of birth (YYYYMMDD).-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setCountryUse this to transmit the country of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setCityUse this to transmit the city of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setStreetUse this to transmit the street of the user.-Visitors > URM - User Relationship Management > URM - [Name of Categories]
setCategoryThe optional category (User Relation Management) can be used to categorise a customer. URM categories must be created in the tool first of all.Categories > URM Categories > New Category

Datatype Text: Visitors > URM Categories > [Name of Categories]

atatype Figure: metric


MappIntelligenceCustomer mappCustomerData = new MappIntelligenceCustomer();
 * @param i Use this to transmit an unique identifier of the user
MappIntelligenceCustomer mappCustomerData = new MappIntelligenceCustomer(String i);


 * @param i Use this to transmit an unique identifier of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setId(String i);


 * @param eRID Use this to transmit the e-mail receiver ID of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setEmailRID(String eRID);


 * @param eOptin Use this to transmit the e-mail opt-in status of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setEmailOptin(boolean eOptin);


 * @param g Use this to transmit the gender of the user (1 = male | 2 = female)
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setGender(int g);


 * @param b Use this to transmit the user's date of birth (YYYYMMDD)
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setBirthday(String b);


 * @param c Use this to transmit the country of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setCountry(String c);


 * @param c Use this to transmit the city of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setCity(String c);


 * @param pCode Use this to transmit the postal code of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setPostalCode(String pCode);


 * @param s Use this to transmit the street of the user
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setStreet(String s);


 * @param v Overwrites existing URM categorise
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setValidation(boolean v);


 * The optional category (User Relation Management) can be used to categorise a customer. URM categories must be
 * created in the tool first of all.
 * @param i     ID of the parameter
 * @param value Value of the parameter
 * @return this
mappCustomerData.setCategory(int i, String value);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceCustomer mappCustomerData = new MappIntelligenceCustomer();
	.setBirthday("~!jX7E0tqd3BTIXVNX+jJnOQ==!~") // 19900215 [ JJJJMMDD ]
	.setCountry("~!epld8YhkcFY=!~") // Germany
	.setCity("~!9Hn50gRUKpw=!~") // Berlin
	.setPostalCode("~!dZVg2aMOE2Q=!~") // 10115
	.setStreet("~!vOSHjdTscdK8BCw0pNyQ2lcLKg5PY70N!~") // Robert-Koch-Platz
	.setCategory(5, "login");

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).customer(mappCustomerData));


In Mapp Intelligence you can analyse the following states of your products:

  • VIEW: viewed on a product detail page
  • BASKET: added to a shopping cart
  • CONFIRMATION: bought

Aggregated evaluations are possible across product categories. Mapp Intelligence automatically detects abandoned shopping carts from the information transmitted. Comprehensive information must be provided on the underlying order for product purchases, e.g. a unique order number. A list of tracked products appears in Mapp Intelligence under "E-Commerce > Products".


Product details can be enriched by adding information via parameters. Each parameter must be configured in your account before being able to track it (Configuration > Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter). When configuring the pixel, you need to use the ID as set up in the account configuration as a number and the respective value as a string. E-Commerce parameters are used to transmit additional product information (e.g. size, colour). E-Commerce parameters of the type "Text" are shown in Mapp Intelligence under "E-Commerce > ECommerce- Parameters". E-Commerce parameters of the type "Number" are available as a metric in the analyses.


The relationship between product and product category must be unique. It is not possible to assign the product "Shoes" to the category "Ladies" and "Sales" at the same time. These non-unique relationships can be mapped using e-commerce parameters. Product categories of the data type "number" can be used to evaluate every product call with the value stored for it.

Product categories must be configured in the Q3 for Mapp Intelligence to measure this information. This is done under "Configuration > Categorisation > Product Categories". When configuring the library, you need to use the ID as set up in the account configuration as a number and the respective value as a string. Please note that a product category cannot contain more than 110 characters.

A list of measured product categories of the data type "text" are displayed in analytics at "E-Commerce > Product Categories". Product categories of the data type "Number" are available as a metric in the analyses.

Product categories are only assigned to a product once. If a product is tracked together with a category, all other products will also be assigned to that category.

Supported methods for product requests


DescriptionWhere to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...)Where to analyze
constructorSaves products placed in the shopping cart. This property must be entered if products are to be measured. A product ID may not contain more than 110 characters.-E-Commerce > Products


Saves products placed in the shopping cart. This property must be entered if products are to be measured. A product ID may not contain more than 110 characters.-E-Commerce > Products
setCostContains the product price ("0" prices are allowed). If you transmit a product several times (quantity property greater than 1), use the total price not the unit price.-Metric: [Name of Parameter]
setQuantityContains the product quantity.-Metric: [Name of Parameter]
setStatusContains states of your product (MappIntelligenceProduct.VIEW, MappIntelligenceProduct.BASKET, MappIntelligenceProduct.CONFIRMATION).--
setVariantUse this to transmit the variant of the product.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Product variant
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]

Use this to transmit the product is sold out or in stock (sold out = true, in stock = false)

Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Product sold out
Metric: [Name of Parameter]
setParameterYou can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics. Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own Configuration

Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]

Datatype Figure: metric

setCategoryProduct categories allow the grouping of products.ECommerce > Product Categories > New Category

Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Categories > [Name of Parameter]

Datatype Figure: metric


MappIntelligenceProduct mappProductData = new MappIntelligenceProduct();
 * @param i Saves products placed in the shopping cart. This property must be entered if products are to be
 *          measured. A product ID may not contain more than 110 characters
MappIntelligenceProduct mappProductData = new MappIntelligenceProduct(String i);


 * @param i Saves products placed in the shopping cart. This property must be entered if products are to be
 *          measured. A product ID may not contain more than 110 characters
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setId(String i);


 * @param c Contains the product price ("0" prices are allowed). If you transmit a product several times
 *          (quantity property greater than 1), use the total price not the unit price
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setCost(double c);


 * @param q Contains the product quantity
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setQuantity(int q);


 * @param s Contains states of your product (VIEW, BASKET, CONFIRMATION)
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setStatus(String s);


 * @param v Use this to transmit the variant of the product
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setVariant(String v);


 * @param sOut Use this to transmit the product is sold out or in stock (sold out = true, in stock = false)
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setSoldOut(boolean sOut);


 * You can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics.
 * @param i ID of the parameter
 * @param v Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setParameter(int i, String v);


 * Product categories allow the grouping of products.
 * @param i ID of the parameter
 * @param v Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceProduct
mappProductData.setCategory(int i, String v);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceProduct mappProductData = new MappIntelligenceProduct();
mappProductData.setId("id of a product")
	.setParameter(2, "parameter 2")
	.setParameter(15, "parameter 15")
	.setCategory(2, "category 2")
	.setCategory(15, "category 15");

MappIntelligenceProductCollection mappProductCollection = new MappIntelligenceProductCollection();

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).product(mappProductCollection));


Mapp Intelligence can also track orders. To do this, the order value is transmitted along with the order number. "0" values are permitted. A list of tracked orders can be analyzed in Mapp Intelligence under "E-Commerce > Orders separately". The difference to product tracking is that the information refers to the total order value that is transmitted rather than the individual products. Besides the total of purchased products, the total order value may also contain discounts, shipping, and packaging cost information.


Contains the currency code of a product or order; the value must be passed to the Webtrekk pixel in line with the ISO standard.

The currency is only passed for the purpose of currency conversion. In other words, the currency will be converted to the currency as specified in your Mapp Q3 account configuration ("Configuration > System configuration: Data Collection").


E-Commerce parameters must be set up in the configuration ("Configuration > Custom Parameters > E-Commerce Parameter") before they can be entered. In this setup, the ID (relevant for tracking) and a data type (text/number) are defined for each parameter. When configuring the tracking in the pixel, you need to include the ID as a number and the respective value as a string.

Parameters can also be used to transmit information about an order, e.g. payment or shipping type. In these cases, order tracking must be used. It is enough to transmit this property once per order. It applies equally to all products in the shopping cart. The reference (product or order) is selected when configuring the Smart Pixel. If "individual value" is selected, the parameter refers to the order. If "multiple values" have been selected, the parameter can refer to the product or the order.

Supported methods for order requests


DescriptionWhere to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...)Where to analyze
constructorSaves the total order value. This property must be entered if total order values are to be tracked.-E-Commerce > Orders separately
setValueSaves the total order value. This property must be entered if total order values are to be tracked.-E-Commerce > Orders separately
setIdContains a unique order number (order ID). Use of this setting ensures that no orders are counted twice.-E-Commerce > Orders separately
setCurrencyThe currency of an order.--
setCouponValueContains the value of a coupon.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Coupon value
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setPaymentMethodUse this to transmit the payment method of the order.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Payment method
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setShippingServiceUse this to transmit the shipping service of the order.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Shipping service
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setShippingSpeedUse this to transmit the shipping speed of the order.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Shipping speed
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setShippingCostsUse this to transmit the shipping costs of the order.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Shipping costs
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setGrossMarginUse this to transmit the margin/mark-up of the order.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Gross margin
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setOrderStatusUse this to transmit the order status of the order.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Order status
Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setParameterYou can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics. Observe the syntax guidelines when defining parameters.Custom Parameters > ECommerce Parameter > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own Configuration

Datatype Text: E-Commerce > Product Parameters > [Name of Parameter]

Datatype Figure: metric


MappIntelligenceOrder mappOrderData = new MappIntelligenceOrder();
 * @param v Saves the total order value. This property must be entered if total order values are to be tracked
MappIntelligenceOrder mappOrderData = new MappIntelligenceOrder(double v);


 * @param v Saves the total order value. This property must be entered if total order values are to be tracked
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setValue(double v);


 * @param i Contains a unique order number (order ID). Use of this setting ensures that no orders are counted twice
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setId(String i);


 * @param c The currency of an order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setCurrency(String c);


 * @param cValue Contains the value of a coupon
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setCouponValue(double cValue);


 * @param pMethod Use this to transmit the payment method of the order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setPaymentMethod(String pMethod);


 * @param sService Use this to transmit the shipping service of the order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setShippingService(String sService);


 * @param sSpeed Use this to transmit the shipping speed of the order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setShippingSpeed(String sSpeed);


 * @param sCosts Use this to transmit the shipping costs of the order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setShippingCosts(double sCosts);


 * @param gMargin Use this to transmit the margin/mark-up of the order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setGrossMargin(double gMargin);


 * @param oStatus Use this to transmit the order status of the order
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setOrderStatus(String oStatus);


 * You can use parameters to enrich analytical data with your own website-specific information and/or metrics.
 * Observe the syntax guidelines when defining parameters.
 * @param i ID of the parameter
 * @param v Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceOrder
mappOrderData.setParameter(int i, String v);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceOrder mappOrderData = new MappIntelligenceOrder();
	.setParameter(2, "param2")
	.setParameter(15, "param15");

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).order(mappOrderData));


Session parameters always refer to a complete session (visit). In case of transmitting a parameter multiple times during a visit, the system only evaluates the first or last value of the parameter during the visit (based on the configuration in your account). An example for the utilisation of a session parameter would be the login status of the user. By default, each visit would be indicated as "not logged-in" at the beginning. The successful login is passed to the same parameter and overwrites the first value.

A session parameter cannot be used to add an information to a specific webpage, but only to the complete visit. Please use page parameters if you want to analyse information of a specific page of your website or evaluate multiple values of a parameter in the same visit.

Supported methods for session requests



Where to configure (Q3 > Configuration > ...)

Where to analyze
setLoginStatusPass the current users login status here.Custom Parameters > Session Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Login statusDatatype Text: Visitor > Session Parameters > [Name of Parameter]
setTemporarySessionIdIn order to keep the session and the user during a single session, we offer the possibility to set a temporary session ID that keeps the session together but is not permanently stored on a device.--
setParameterSession parameters always refer to a complete session (visit). If the value for the parameter is transmitted during a visit several times, only the first or last value is evaluated, based on the configuration of the Webtrekk GUI.Custom Parameters > Session Parameters > Create new Custom Parameter > Preconfigured > Own Configuration

Datatype Text: Visitor > Session Parameters > [Name of Parameter]

Datatype Figure: metric


MappIntelligenceSession mappSessionData = new MappIntelligenceSession();


 * @param lStatus Pass the current users login status here
 * @return MappIntelligenceSession
mappSessionData.setLoginStatus(String lStatus);


 * @param tSessionId Pass the temporary session ID here
 * @return MappIntelligenceSession
mappSessionData.setTemporarySessionId(String tSessionId);


 * Session parameters always refer to a complete session (visit). If the value for the parameter is transmitted
 * during a visit several times, only the first or last value is evaluated, based on the configuration of the
 * Webtrekk GUI
 * @param i ID of the parameter
 * @param v Value of the parameter
 * @return MappIntelligenceSession
mappSessionData.setParameter(int i, String v);
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceSession mappSessionData = new MappIntelligenceSession();
mappSessionData.setLoginStatus("logged in")
	.setParameter(2, "param2")
	.setParameter(15, "param15");

mit.track((new MappIntelligenceDataMap()).session(mappSessionData));

Query Parameter

Each parameter is used for a specific analyses in Mapp Intelligence (e.g. is can be analyzed in Mapp Intelligence under" Marketing > Search Phrases > Internal Search Phrases"). If you prefer to send data directly using the parameters used by Mapp Intelligence, you can find the references in the documentation below.

This can be useful if you only want to track basic requests and save server load.

Please note that this solution requires in-depth knowledge of the Mapp Intelligence data model.



DescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample
PAGE_NAMEpnName of the pageStringpage / action


EVER_IDeidEverIdStringpage / action(error)"1234567890123456789"
CUSTOM_EVER_IDceidCustom EverIdStringpage / action(error)"098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"
USER_AGENTX-WT-UAEnter the origin client HTTP user agent stringStringpage / action(error)"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:82.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/82.0"
USER_IPX-WT-IPEnter the origin client Remote address (ip)Stringpage / action(error)""

ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample
SEARCHisSearch term of the internal search functionStringpage


"search term"
NUMBER_SEARCH_RESULTScp771Number of search resultsNumberpage(error)15
ERROR_MESSAGEScp772Error messagesStringpage(error)"error message"
PAYWALLcp773Paywall callsNumberpage(error)1
ARTICLE_TITLEcp774Article headerStringpage(error)"name of an article"
CONTENT_TAGScp775Content tagsStringpage(error)"name of a content tag"
PAGE_TITLEcp776Page titleStringpage(error)"title of a page"
PAGE_TYPEcp777Page typeStringpage(error)"type of a page"
PAGE_LENGTHcp778Page lengthStringpage(error)"large"
DAYS_SINCE_PUBLICATIONcp779Days since publicationNumberpage(error)8
TEST_VARIANTcp781Name of the test variantStringpage(error)"name of a variant"
TEST_EXPERIMENTcp782Name of the test experimentStringpage(error)"name of an experiment"
CUSTOM_PAGE_CATEGORYcg<<1 - 499>>Page category [cg2, cg3, ...], Content group

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page(error)"category 2"
CUSTOM_PAGE_PARAMETERcp<<1 - 499>>Page parameter [cp2, cp3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page(error)"parameter 5"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.SEARCH, "search term")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.NUMBER_SEARCH_RESULTS, "15")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.ERROR_MESSAGES, "error message")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAYWALL, "1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.ARTICLE_TITLE, "name of an article")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CONTENT_TAGS, "name of a content tag")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_TITLE, "title of a page")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_TYPE, "type of a page")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_LENGTH, "large")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.DAYS_SINCE_PUBLICATION, "8")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.TEST_VARIANT, "name of a variant")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.TEST_EXPERIMENT, "name of an experiment")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PAGE_PARAMETER.with(1), "parameter 1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PAGE_PARAMETER.with(2), "parameter 2")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PAGE_CATEGORY.with(1), "category 1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PAGE_CATEGORY.with(2), "category 2");


ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample
ACTION_NAMEctName of the event / actionStringaction


CUSTOM_ACTION_PARAMETERck<<1 - 499>>Event / Action parameter [ck2, ck3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

action(error)"parameter 2"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.ACTION_NAME, "en.navigation.home")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_ACTION_PARAMETER.with(1), "parameter 1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_ACTION_PARAMETER.with(2), "parameter 2");


ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample

Campaign ID consisting of media code parameter and value (needs encoding)

Stringpage / action(tick)"wt_mc%3Dnewsletter"
CAMPAIGN_ACTIONmcaCampaign action (c=click | v=view)Stringpage / action(error)"c"
CUSTOM_CAMPAIGN_PARAMETERcc<<1 - 499>>Campaign parameter [cc2, cc3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page / action(error)"parameter 15"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CAMPAIGN_ID, "wt_mc%3Dnewsletter")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CAMPAIGN_ACTION, "c")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_CAMPAIGN_PARAMETER.with(2), "parameter 2")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_CAMPAIGN_PARAMETER.with(15), "parameter 15");



It is recommended to transmit hashed personal data that is not evaluated in terms of content (e.g. with the SHA256 hash). If you would like to collect this data for analytical reasons, we suggest that you transmit the data in encrypted form (see the document Encryption of Tracking Data).

ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample
CUSTOMER_IDcdCustomer ID, URM - Custom Visitor IdStringpage / action(error)"user123456789"
EMAILuc700URM - EmailStringpage / action(error)"~!5kWnPT+q95KgFwEE463v2ni5E/AxdAYV!~"
EMAIL_RIDuc701URM - Email Receiver-IDStringpage / action(error)"abc123def456"
EMAIL_OPTINuc702URM - Email-Optin [ 1 = yes, 2 = no ]Numberpage / action(error)1
FIRST_NAMEuc703URM - First NameStringpage / action(error)"~!ZzmpHUYURXo=!~"
LAST_NAMEuc704URM - Last NameStringpage / action(error)"~!fj6DIBrirUg=!~"
TELEPHONEuc705URM - TelephoneStringpage / action(error)"~!pAVQxoaDb6GsdSLoiEeGAQ==!~"
GENDERuc706URM - Gender [ 1 = male, 2 = female, 0 = undefined]Numberpage / action(error)2
BIRTHDAYuc707URM - Birthday [ YYYMMDD ]Stringpage / action(error)"~!jX7E0tqd3BTIXVNX+jJnOQ==!~"
COUNTRYuc708URM - CountryStringpage / action(error)"~!epld8YhkcFY=!~"
CITYuc709URM - CityStringpage / action(error)"~!9Hn50gRUKpw=!~"
POSTAL_CODEuc710URM - Postal CodeStringpage / action(error)"~!dZVg2aMOE2Q=!~"
STREETuc711URM - StreetStringpage / action(error)"~!vOSHjdTscdK8BCw0pNyQ2lcLKg5PY70N!~"
STREET_NUMBERuc712URM - House NumberStringpage / action(error)"~!s1p+vG2iWGI=!~"
CUSTOMER_VALIDATIONuc713Data validatedNumberpage / action(error)1
CUSTOM_URM_CATEGORYuc<<1 - 499>>Customer categories [uc2, uc3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page / action(error)"female"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CUSTOMER_ID, "user5684798169")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.EMAIL, "~!5kWnPT+q95KgFwEE463v2ni5E/AxdAYV!~") //
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.EMAIL_RID, "abc123def456")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.EMAIL_OPTIN, "1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.GENDER, "2")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.BIRTHDAY, "~!jX7E0tqd3BTIXVNX+jJnOQ==!~") // 19900215 [ JJJJMMDD ]
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.FIRST_NAME, "~!ZzmpHUYURXo=!~") // John
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.LAST_NAME, "~!fj6DIBrirUg=!~") // Doe
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.TELEPHONE, "~!pAVQxoaDb6GsdSLoiEeGAQ==!~") // 4930755415101
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.COUNTRY, "~!epld8YhkcFY=!~") // Germany
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CITY, "~!9Hn50gRUKpw=!~") // Berlin
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.POSTAL_CODE, "~!dZVg2aMOE2Q=!~") // 10115
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.STREET, "~!vOSHjdTscdK8BCw0pNyQ2lcLKg5PY70N!~") // Robert-Koch-Platz
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.STREET_NUMBER, "~!s1p+vG2iWGI=!~") // 4
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CUSTOMER_VALIDATION, "1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_URM_CATEGORY.with(5), "login");


If several products appear in the shopping cart, they are each separated by a semicolon.

ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample

Name or id of the product

(a product name may not contain more than 110 characters)



"product name"
PRODUCT_COSTcoProduct costNumberpage(error)19.95
PRODUCT_QUANTITYqnNumber of productsNumberpage(error)5
PRODUCT_STATUSstStatus of the shopping basket [ add, conf, view ]Enum {add, conf, view}page(error)"view"
CURRENCYcrProduct currencyStringpage(error)"EUR"
PRODUCT_SOLD_OUTcb760Product sold outNumberpage(error)1
PRODUCT_VARIANTcb767Product variantStringpage(error)"red"
CUSTOM_PRODUCT_CATEGORYca<<1 - 499>>Product category [ca2, ca3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page(error)"category 2"
CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PARAMETERcb<<1 - 499>>E-commerce parameter [cb2, cb3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page(error)"parameter 6"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PRODUCT_ID, "product name")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PRODUCT_COST, "19.95")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PRODUCT_QUANTITY, "5")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PRODUCT_STATUS, "view")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CURRENCY, "EUR")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PRODUCT_SOLD_OUT, "1")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PRODUCT_VARIANT, "red")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PARAMETER.with(2), "parameter 2")
	.add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PARAMETER.with(15), "parameter 15")
	.add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY.with(2), "category 2")
	.add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY.with(15), "category 15");


ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample
ORDER_VALUEovOrder valueNumberpage(tick)24.95
ORDER_IDoiOrder IDStringpage(error)"ABC123"
CURRENCYcrProduct currencyStringpage(error)"EUR"
COUPON_VALUEcb563Coupon valueNumberpage(error)10.99
PAYMENT_METHODcb761Payment methodStringpage(error)"paypal"
SHIPPING_SERVICEcb762Shipping service providerStringpage(error)"dhl"
SHIPPING_SPEEDcb763Shipping speedStringpage(error)"2d"
SHIPPING_COSTScb764Shipping costsNumberpage(error)3.95
ORDER_STATUScb766Order statusStringpage(error)"payed"
CUSTOM_PRODUCT_CATEGORYca<<1 - 499>>Product category [ca2, ca3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page(error)"category 2"
CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PARAMETERcb<<1 - 499>>E-commerce parameter [cb2, cb3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page(error)"parameter 6"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.ORDER_VALUE, "24.95")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.COUPON_VALUE, "10.99")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAYMENT_METHOD, "paypal")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.ORDER_STATUS, "payed")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.ORDER_ID, "ABC123")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.GROSS_MARGIN, "6.95")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.SHIPPING_SERVICE, "dhl")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.SHIPPING_SPEED, "2d")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.SHIPPING_COSTS, "3.95")
    .add(MappIntelligenceParameter.CURRENCY, "EUR")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PARAMETER.with(2), "parameter 2")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PARAMETER.with(15), "parameter 15");


ParameterDescriptionTypeSupported request typeRequiredExample
LOGIN_STATUScs800Login statusStringpage / action(error)"logged in"
TEMPORARY_SESSION_IDfpvIn order to keep the session and the user during a single session, we offer the possibility to set a temporary session ID that keeps the session together but is not permanently stored on a device.Stringpage / action(error)"abc123"
CUSTOM_SESSION_PARAMETERcs<<1 - 499>>Session parameter [cs2, cs3, ...]

Number (metrics)

String (dimensions)

page / action(error)"parameter 8"
MappIntelligenceConfig mic = new MappIntelligenceConfig(
MappIntelligenceTracking mit = new MappIntelligenceTracking(mic);

MappIntelligenceParameterMap mappParameterMap = new MappIntelligenceParameterMap();
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.PAGE_NAME, "name of a page")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.LOGIN_STATUS, "logged in")
	.add(MappIntelligenceParameter.TEMPORARY_SESSION_ID, "abc123")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_SESSION_PARAMETER.with(2), "parameter 2")
    .add(MappIntelligenceCustomParameter.CUSTOM_SESSION_PARAMETER.with(15), "parameter 15");
