
To designate members of a group as test recipients.

You have two options:

  • Add a New Group Member as a Test Recipient​
  • Designate an Existing Group Member as a Test Recipient​

.Background Information​

A test recipient receives previews of the messages in that group for testing purposes only. Test recipients can review the quality and display of a message before the final message sendout takes place.

You send a test message in the final step of the email sendout configuration. For more information, see ​Configuration for Sendout​.


Add a New Group Member as a Test Recipient​

  1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Audience​ > Administration​.
    ⇒ The ​Contact Management​ window opens to the ​Group Members​ tab.
  2. From the ​Group​ drop-down list, select a group.
    ⇒ A list of group members appears.
  3. Click the ​Add Members​ button.
    ⇒ The ​Add​ window opens.
  4. Add the test member's email address and first and last name.
  5. Select the following checkbox: ​New member is a test recipient. Test Recipients receive test sendouts in the group.​
  6. Click the ​Add Members​ button.
    ⇒ The member is added to the group and is a test recipient. This member now receives all test sendouts in this group.

Designate an Existing Group Member as a Test Recipient​

  1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Audience​ > Administration​
    ⇒ The ​Contact Management​ window opens to the ​Group Members​ tab.
  2. From the ​Group​ drop-down list, select a group.
    ⇒ A list of group members appears.
  3. Locate the group member that you want to designate as a test recipient. Click ​Promote to Test Recipient​.
    ⇒ This group member is now a test recipient. This member now receives all test sendouts in this group.