
Add a link to an email message that allows contacts to unsubscribe from the group.

Background Information​

An unsubscribe link in a message is an important part of every email campaign. The simplest way for subscribers to opt out is via an unsubscribe link.

Mapp Engage offers a standard functionality to add an unsubscribe link with an Engage Variable.

The unsubscribe link is usually a part of a CMS template and does not have to be created with an Engage variable.

The unsubscribe link unsubscribes the contact from the group that sent the message only.

To unsubscribe a contact from all groups in the system automatically, use an event-based automation.


  1. In the ​main navigation, click ​Create​ New > ​Message.
  2. Enter message information and select ​Email from the ​Type​ list.
  3. Click ​Create.
  4. Click Mapp Engage Variables. A menu opens where you can select Engage Variables and add them to your message.
  5. From the ​Category​ drop-down list, select the ​System Links​ option.
  6. If you are working on an HTML email, select the ​Unsubscribe Link (HTML)​ option.
  7. If you are working on a text email, select the ​Unsubscribe Link (Text)​ option.
  8. Drag the Engage variable into the message creation window.

  9. The unsubscribe link is inserted into the message. During sendout, Engage replaces the placeholder with a link to a website where members can unsubscribe from the group. You can edit the text or the link text as desired. However, do not change the link destination.